thefreshgrocer fresh Owned and Operated by Gerrity's PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 10 THRU 16, 2024 IT PAYS -SHOP MOM! 3.99 80% Lean Ground Beef Fresh, Family Pack 3-lbs. or More Center Cut Pork Chops Fresh, Bone-In, 3-lbs. or More, Family Pack, Pork Loin 8 8 87// SAVE .50 pork 199 199 Golden Pineapples Whole lb. 599 $4 Limit 4 Cooper Sharp General Mills Cereal American Cheese Store Sliced, Yellow, White or Black Pepper Coca-Cola 4$4 FOR WHEN $17 YOU BUY 4 Less or additional items will scan at 6.50 each. 2$5 FOR Nabisco Ritz Topo Chice Coke Bottles 8-Pack, Cans 12-Pack or Topo Chico Cans 8-Pack 96-oz. tot. wt btls, 12-oz. Bottles 8-Pack or 144-oz. tot wt cans, 12-oz. Cans 12-Pack, Dasani Water, Seagram's, Sprite, Bar's Fanta or Coke or 96-oz. tot wt cans, 12-oz. Cans, Topo Chico Sabores Flavored Sparkling Water 8-Pack Limit 4 Offers Medium Size 10.6-oz. box, Cookie Crisp, 10.8-oz. Honey Nut Cheerios, 8.9-oz. Original Cheerios, 12-oz. Original Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 10.4 to 11.8-oz. Original Cocoa Puffs, 11.5-oz. (Excluding Seasonal) Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs Original Oscar Mayer Bacon 12-oz. to 1-lb. pkg. Any Variety (Excluding Turkey Bacon triscuit Dont Limit 4 RITZ or Snack Crackers 7.1 to 8.1-oz. bag. Any Variety, Toasted Chips or Ritz Crisp & Thins, 8.8 to 13.7-oz. box, Ritz Crackers, 3.5 to 9.1-oz. box (Excluding Stoned Wheat) Snack Crackers BIRNEY AVE., MOOSIC.. 801 WYOMING AVE., WEST PITTSTON 2$5 FOR Red Ripe Strawberries 1-lb.pkg Cinnamon Toast Limit 4 Offers Cheerios SALE PRICE Limit $599 DIGITAL-200 COUPON FINAL PRICE with Digital Coupon 3.99 Limit 4 2$5 FOR Doritos, Lay's or Smartfood 9.25 to 11.25-oz. bag. Any Variety, Doritos Tortilla Chips, 4.75 to 8 oz. (Excluding Imported) Lay's Potato Chips or 5 to 7.75-oz. Smartfood Popcom Less or additional items WHEN will scan at 3.99 each. YOU BUY 2 Open 7 Days 7 AM-9 PM .963-7436 654-3444 TO ASSURE SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF SALE ITEMS, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE PURCHASE OF SALE ITEMS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED, NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS. ARTWORK FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY. thefreshgrocer fresh Owned and Operated by Gerrity's PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 10 THRU 16 , 2024 IT PAYS -SHOP MOM ! 3.99 80 % Lean Ground Beef Fresh , Family Pack 3 - lbs . or More Center Cut Pork Chops Fresh , Bone - In , 3 - lbs . or More , Family Pack , Pork Loin 8 8 87 // SAVE .50 pork 199 199 Golden Pineapples Whole lb. 599 $ 4 Limit 4 Cooper Sharp General Mills Cereal American Cheese Store Sliced , Yellow , White or Black Pepper Coca - Cola 4 $ 4 FOR WHEN $ 17 YOU BUY 4 Less or additional items will scan at 6.50 each . 2 $ 5 FOR Nabisco Ritz Topo Chice Coke Bottles 8 - Pack , Cans 12 - Pack or Topo Chico Cans 8 - Pack 96 - oz . tot . wt btls , 12 - oz . Bottles 8 - Pack or 144 - oz . tot wt cans , 12 - oz . Cans 12 - Pack , Dasani Water , Seagram's , Sprite , Bar's Fanta or Coke or 96 - oz . tot wt cans , 12 - oz . Cans , Topo Chico Sabores Flavored Sparkling Water 8 - Pack Limit 4 Offers Medium Size 10.6 - oz . box , Cookie Crisp , 10.8 - oz . Honey Nut Cheerios , 8.9 - oz . Original Cheerios , 12 - oz . Original Cinnamon Toast Crunch , 10.4 to 11.8 - oz . Original Cocoa Puffs , 11.5 - oz . ( Excluding Seasonal ) Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs Original Oscar Mayer Bacon 12 - oz . to 1 - lb . pkg . Any Variety ( Excluding Turkey Bacon triscuit Dont Limit 4 RITZ or Snack Crackers 7.1 to 8.1 - oz . bag . Any Variety , Toasted Chips or Ritz Crisp & Thins , 8.8 to 13.7 - oz . box , Ritz Crackers , 3.5 to 9.1 - oz . box ( Excluding Stoned Wheat ) Snack Crackers BIRNEY AVE . , MOOSIC .. 801 WYOMING AVE . , WEST PITTSTON 2 $ 5 FOR Red Ripe Strawberries 1 - lb.pkg Cinnamon Toast Limit 4 Offers Cheerios SALE PRICE Limit $ 599 DIGITAL - 200 COUPON FINAL PRICE with Digital Coupon 3.99 Limit 4 2 $ 5 FOR Doritos , Lay's or Smartfood 9.25 to 11.25 - oz . bag . Any Variety , Doritos Tortilla Chips , 4.75 to 8 oz . ( Excluding Imported ) Lay's Potato Chips or 5 to 7.75 - oz . Smartfood Popcom Less or additional items WHEN will scan at 3.99 each . YOU BUY 2 Open 7 Days 7 AM - 9 PM .963-7436 654-3444 TO ASSURE SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF SALE ITEMS , WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE PURCHASE OF SALE ITEMS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED , NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS . NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS . ARTWORK FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY .