SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 3-A thefreshgrocer F=== Cinnamon ast Gluten Free Cheerios unch 100% MOATS CAN H LOWER CHOLESTEROL PART OF HEART WEALTHY DIE Owned and Operated by the freshgrocer REWARDS Limit 4 Offers General Mills *Medium Size Cereal Gerrity's 2 $3 FOR WHEN YOU BUY 2 Less or additional items will scan at $2.50 each. SALE ENDS THURSDAY, MARCH 6, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. We reserve the right to limit quantities. LOOK HERE EVERY WEEK FOR MOM'S DEALS AND PROMOTIONS! SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 3 - A thefreshgrocer F === Cinnamon ast Gluten Free Cheerios unch 100 % MOATS CAN H LOWER CHOLESTEROL PART OF HEART WEALTHY DIE Owned and Operated by the freshgrocer REWARDS Limit 4 Offers General Mills * Medium Size Cereal Gerrity's 2 $ 3 FOR WHEN YOU BUY 2 Less or additional items will scan at $ 2.50 each . SALE ENDS THURSDAY , MARCH 6 , WHILE SUPPLIES LAST . We reserve the right to limit quantities . LOOK HERE EVERY WEEK FOR MOM'S DEALS AND PROMOTIONS !