Attn: West Pittston Residents Information when opening and discharging water from your Pools or Hot Tubs MS4 Rules Pools & Hot Tub Díscharge Rules and Guidelines When draining pools or hot tubs, West Pittston residents must follow MS4 guidelines. No pool or hot tub water is allowed to flow into borough storm sewers. Anyone reported to be discharging pool/hot tub water into public storm sewers will be fined $300.00 per occurrence. West Pittston residents can pickup printed guidelines at the Borough office or the recycling facility at 505 Delaware Ave. Please call DPW at 579-STREAM with any questions Thank you for your cooperation REMEMBERWE ALL LIVE DOWN STREAM Attn: West Pittston Residents Information when opening and discharging water from your Pools or Hot Tubs MS4 Rules Pools & Hot Tub Díscharge Rules and Guidelines When draining pools or hot tubs, West Pittston residents must follow MS4 guidelines. No pool or hot tub water is allowed to flow into borough storm sewers. Anyone reported to be discharging pool/hot tub water into public storm sewers will be fined $300.00 per occurrence. West Pittston residents can pickup printed guidelines at the Borough office or the recycling facility at 505 Delaware Ave. Please call DPW at 579-STREAM with any questions Thank you for your cooperation REMEMBERWE ALL LIVE DOWN STREAM