9.0 Clinical Trial in PRESBYOPIA RECRUITING PATIENTS NOW Are you between the ages of 40 and 55 years old? Do you need glasses or contacts to see nearby objects? TRB Approved at th Study Level May 2019 If you answered yes to the questions above and would be interested in finding out more information about participating in this clinical study, please contact: Bucci Laser Vision 158 Wilkes-Barre Township Blvd Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Breanne Michalek, Study Coordinator Breanne@buccivision.com 1-877-DR-BUCCI 9.0 Clinical Trial in PRESBYOPIA RECRUITING PATIENTS NOW Are you between the ages of 40 and 55 years old? Do you need glasses or contacts to see nearby objects? TRB Approved at th Study Level May 2019 If you answered yes to the questions above and would be interested in finding out more information about participating in this clinical study, please contact: Bucci Laser Vision 158 Wilkes-Barre Township Blvd Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Breanne Michalek, Study Coordinator Breanne@buccivision.com 1-877-DR-BUCCI