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  • Published Date

    January 8, 2023
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thefreshgrocer Owned and Operated by Gerrity's PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6 THRU 12, 2023 Fresh! 19. Bowl & Basket Boneless Chicken Breast Family Pack Sahlen's Ham off the Bone Progresso Soup Traditional, Vegetable Classics Reduced Sou Heart Healthy Light Rich & FOR Hearty or Spice It Up 18-19 0 Excludes Organic DAILY 5 SAVE $100 ORTHO 8.99 Basset Blends Wet Kiss White 750ml Sabbin's 99 lb. S 2$3 PECIA Limit 4 Limit 4 ligshead 899 Bolla Chianti or Pinot Noir Pepsi 8 pk 12-oz btls, 12 pk 12-oz cans or Nitro 4pk All Varietes GERRITY'S BEER AND WINE DEPARTMENT THICK CUT Corona Extre Hatfield Bacon 1-b All Varieties BIRNEY AVE., MOOSIC.. 801 WYOMING AVE., WEST PITTSTON 2$5 Red Ripe Strawberries 16-oz 4.4 ea. Limit 4 Pry SAVE $1.00 Lit 10. Corona 6 pk 12 oz b THICK OUT HERE SMOKED BACON Florida atural Florida Natural Lays Lay's WHERE MOM'S STILL KEYSTONE CHARGE Limit1 Offer 2$5 Florida's Natural Premium Juice 52- All Varieties KEYSTONE 39 99 Donshead Lionshead or Lionshead Light 999 12pk 12 oz cans YOU CAN NOW FIND WINE AT OUR CLARKS SUMMIT MOOSIC HANOVER TAP, LUZERNE&WYOMING LOCATIONS ALCOHOL NOT UNLABLE AT OUR MEADOWAVE OR WEST PISTON LOCATIONS YOU MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL IN PENYA Limit 4 P Variety 356 $6 FOR Lay's Potato Chips 4.75/8-02 All Varieties 9.99 Ava Grace All Varieties 119 Keystone Light 15 pk 12 oz can 963-7436 654-3444 Open 7 Days 7 AM-9 PM thefreshgrocer.com TO ASSURE SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF SALE ITEMS, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE PURCHASE OF SALE ITEMS. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS. ARTWORK FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY. thefreshgrocer Owned and Operated by Gerrity's PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6 THRU 12 , 2023 Fresh ! 19. Bowl & Basket Boneless Chicken Breast Family Pack Sahlen's Ham off the Bone Progresso Soup Traditional , Vegetable Classics Reduced Sou Heart Healthy Light Rich & FOR Hearty or Spice It Up 18-19 0 Excludes Organic DAILY 5 SAVE $ 100 ORTHO 8.99 Basset Blends Wet Kiss White 750ml Sabbin's 99 lb. S 2 $ 3 PECIA Limit 4 Limit 4 ligshead 899 Bolla Chianti or Pinot Noir Pepsi 8 pk 12 - oz btls , 12 pk 12 - oz cans or Nitro 4pk All Varietes GERRITY'S BEER AND WINE DEPARTMENT THICK CUT Corona Extre Hatfield Bacon 1 - b All Varieties BIRNEY AVE . , MOOSIC .. 801 WYOMING AVE . , WEST PITTSTON 2 $ 5 Red Ripe Strawberries 16 - oz 4.4 ea . Limit 4 Pry SAVE $ 1.00 Lit 10. Corona 6 pk 12 oz b THICK OUT HERE SMOKED BACON Florida atural Florida Natural Lays Lay's WHERE MOM'S STILL KEYSTONE CHARGE Limit1 Offer 2 $ 5 Florida's Natural Premium Juice 52- All Varieties KEYSTONE 39 99 Donshead Lionshead or Lionshead Light 999 12pk 12 oz cans YOU CAN NOW FIND WINE AT OUR CLARKS SUMMIT MOOSIC HANOVER TAP , LUZERNE & WYOMING LOCATIONS ALCOHOL NOT UNLABLE AT OUR MEADOWAVE OR WEST PISTON LOCATIONS YOU MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL IN PENYA Limit 4 P Variety 356 $ 6 FOR Lay's Potato Chips 4.75 / 8-02 All Varieties 9.99 Ava Grace All Varieties 119 Keystone Light 15 pk 12 oz can 963-7436 654-3444 Open 7 Days 7 AM - 9 PM thefreshgrocer.com TO ASSURE SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF SALE ITEMS , WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE PURCHASE OF SALE ITEMS . EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED . NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS . NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS . ARTWORK FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY .